Harris Dental Boutique

Smile Vanuatu

Smile Vanuatu

Some of you may remember our Dental Assistant Katelyn, who decided to pursue a career as an Oral Heath Therapist… Katelyn is now in the final year of her 3 year degree. Recently Katelyn attended a volunteer program with Smile Vanuatu, so I sat down with her and she shared her experience with me. Smile […]

Snoring! Does it affect your child’s grades at school?

Claim your Dental Benefit

Unhealthy or blocked airways are starting to be increasing linked to a range of dental and other developmental problems. In the old days, tonsils and adenoids were routinely removed to avoid infection.  With modern antibiotics, very few people have their adenoids or tonsils removed unless they have very severe occurrence of infection.  This has possibly lead […]